Gerry Spence Method
Jody Amedee

Jody Amedee

Personal Injury Trial Lawyer

"Gerry Spence’s teachings about Trial go way beyond the courtroom. It’s more about who we are as humans, and that’s what transforms all of us into better people and trial lawyers."

Jody Amedee has been practicing law since 1996. His love for people started at an early age when he used to work at the family restaurant with his grandfather and Dad. He attended Nicholls State University on a baseball scholarship and graduated in 1990. He then attended Southern University Law Center, where he graduated in 1996. Jody started learning the Spence Method in 2000, and has continually used and taught these methods in approximately 30 successful Jury trials over the past 20 years. “There’s simply no better way to get Justice for your client than using what we learn from Gerry Spence to connect to Juries and be who we are. It has changed my life and the lives of my clients says Amedee. He practices law at Gauthier Amedee with his law partner of 25 years, Andre’ Gauthier, who also studies and uses these methods.

Jody was a Louisiana State Senator from 2004-2016, where he fought for the rights of people to make Louisiana a better place to live. He currently serves on the Southern University Board of Supervisors, which oversees one of largest and most prestigious HBCU systems in the country. Jody is Married and has 3 children.